Friday, December 25, 2009

Welcome to my social world

I am very excited about launching this blog. It goes hand-in-hand with my portfolio site, which can be found by clicking here. A little about me: I'm a 28-year-old social media junkie. For years, I have participated in social media sites, but only recently did I fully discover the potential social media has in the business world. I hate to say something that seems so scripted, but social media possibilities excite me. I'm always going out of my way to learn the newest trends, work the latest gadgets and take in knowledge of people who are currently working in social media marketing. These people are a huge asset to anyone interested in learning more about how social media can work for businesses, and I highly recommend checking them out in my blogroll.

Currently, I am a graduate student at the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University. I am focusing my efforts in new media and social media marketing, and I'm truly excited about job prospects when I graduate this spring. My background mainly lies in newspapers. I spent six years writing for several newspapers in Georgia before deciding to go back to school and get into the social media world. During my career as a sports reporter, I got to do a lot of things most people only dream of. I won a lot of awards along the way, too. But with the current state of newspapers and their obsession with their own inertia, I couldn't see making a lifetime career out of reporting. Social media, on the other hand, is all about new ways of doing things. It's cutting edge. It's what's right now, and I don't see it going anywhere any time soon.

Through this blog, I plan on keeping up to date with all the latest social media news and trends while offering a few opinions along the way. I welcome any and all suggestions and advice, especially from current social media experts in the field. I look forward to joining those ranks within the next six months.

In the meantime, if you'd like to see what I'm up to in the realm of social media, check out some of my pages: Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Delicious

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